sábado, 17 de agosto de 2019

How to be like the person you admire?

Give a Friend some Advice!
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6 comentarios:

  1. Dear Daniel, in order to be like Will Smith I think you should grow confidence, believe in yourself, don't be ashamed for your actions.
    Try to be charming and friendly, you shouldn't be afraid to express your opinion, and please don't be shy, show the world your talents and personality, and the most important don't give up be perseverant and you will succeed.

    I hope you make it, best wishes.

  2. Dear Ana,
    I know that you admire Jesus, for that reason you should try to learn more about his life, i know that you want to be more humble merciful,helping and wise, thats why, you should try to appply his message in your life.
    In some cases, its really dificult because humans make errors everyday but, i advice to you that you could try to learn and move your life around your dream and make come true, besides, dont be soooooo fanatical because, this behaviour create too much problems that can destroy your tranquility.

    Best regards,

  3. Santiago, here you have some advice in order to become like Drake.
    First of all you should start training your voice to get a wonderful one. You must start being a singer/rapper to get some money and fame, then you could talk to some famous music producers because they have the experience and the contacts that you need to learn about.
    You'll need to improve your social skills due to probably you will be in the public eye. The media loves kind and charming celebrities.
    Also if you want to become an actor you must have a good corporal expresion, take acting classes and learn how to face the negative comments 'cause you will get many of them.
    I hope you can finally become like Drake or even better than him.
    Have a nice weekend.

  4. Dear Mafe I know you want to be like your teacher of automation. I give some advice to be more like him:
    1.Learn more about him.for example: ask him more about the subjet of automation and how can I do my best.
    2.be more outgoing. meet more people like your example: if you go more outside and talk with stranger peolple maybe you should be less shy.
    I hope you like my advice and take in mind.

  5. Dear Juan, I know that you admire to boromir for this reason. I need try that you understand that dream is amazing but you need to know that live in a real world and it's imposible but ok a given you some advice for you can "reach" you extravagant dream.

    Firtsss you need born again. Ok seriously, you need to realize that protecting the small and weak is a noble cause. for example care about people around you. You need to be brave and pretty but thinking good.I believe that not need more because you ready are headstrong ,self-sufficient, arrogant....and other bad thing. sorry just choose other person.

    1. Dear Anitha, im the best and if you dont see that is your problem. kisses :3
