sábado, 12 de octubre de 2019

FCE writing task

Resultado de imagen para exam GIFAnswer the question below. Write 140 – 190 words in an appropriate style.

In your English class you have been talking about the environment. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Write an essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

10 comentarios:

  1. As all know Brazil is a Country with a lot of forest and animals, given that, it's an importat part to the environment for the world, but Brazil don't have culture to save these places.

    Recently, the Amazonas was damaged by the fire for almost twenty days and the Brazilian Goverment did'nt do something, because there are another interesting about the place, however the Goverment didn't want to acept help by the other organizations.

    On the other hand, in this moment there are not movements to recover the forest, or almost plans to help the environment and save the world.

    In conclusion, The coutries need more commitment with the world, given the word its our planet and we don't have another side to live. Is necessary to act now because the planet is becoming to the end.

  2. Pollution in the world is now a big problem because now we have to deal with global warming and the high density of the air due to the CO2 that is emmitted to the environment.

    I don't think this problems are going to be solved because our stlyle of living is not going to allow it. What is important in this world is to move economy no matter the consequences and that's why companies never stop or that's why every day they are cutting trees to build more buildings, we are getting out of space to live because we are increaisng in numbers and that means more energy consumption and more trafic, but more money for the businessmen.

    So those are some of my reasons to think that these problems are not going to go away. I hope that I'm wrong and that some day people change their mind and get conscious about the real problems that we have and that we shoud be aware of it before our planet becomes an inhabitable place.

  3. Solutions of the Pollution

    Everybody knows that the pollution and the damage to the environment are the things that will kill the world and it will kill us. But not everything is death, we still can do something to fix it.

    Since the Industry Age, the environment has a destruction because the toxic gases are destroying bit to bit the atmosphere, but recently, some insdustries are making the change of source to be more friendly with the planet.

    If we don't do something, we will death.

  4. problems with pollution are different in every country, can be due to population, topography and even cultural factors, then to solve this problematic we need, first, know which of these is the main contributor.
    in the case of Medellìn, Colombia, the automotive park is one of the main issues when it come to air pollution, because every year more and more people is aiming to buy a persona vehicle instead of keep using public transportation. a long term solution may be encurage the purchase of electric cars but this technology is not fully develop or affordable yet.

  5. Nowadays, the pollution is one of the biggest problems that every single country has to fight with it, the industries have been the main guiltier and the problem here is that they don't want to solve this problem. I think it could be solved if the society begins to look for a different way to get the main products resources for our lives, it's our responsibility contribute to make a change and take the risk to do something different to take care our environment.
    Today, the companies are interested to make money by anyway, they don’t care about If their products are bad for the environment and we can see it with the petrol industry, almost all the cars now need gas, and just imagine how many cars are there in the world? The electric cars are the answer but the petrol industries are trying to buy all the electric cars enterprises to avoid the people buy them. The good thing here is that the young people is trying to change this working hard to do the all the products we usually use, safety for the planet.
    I want to finish saying that we, young people, can do changes in our lives to help the planet, the electric things provided by the nature founts are the best way to help, we just have to try to convince all the people that they do this changes too.

  6. The nature and enviroment problems can not be solved, its la nature law, science proves it, and there is nothing to do.

    The eart changes the poles every 10.000 years and this is like an obligation so the cordinates move and then de volcanos xpulse dioxide and thats why de atmosphere is getting weeak, the sea animals get lost and some times arrive or migrate to different place thand the must.

    Nowadays, poles are moved 27 degrees and we are feelling this movement effect, and is getting worts across the time; its just the beganing. So people, can try many things and look for the way to stop the damage, but its not enougth. Humanty concern just 0.025% of the enviroment damages. Noting, the same planet is ill because poles movement.

  7. Nowadays, pollution and environmental damage have been in the center of the biggest discussion that have ever take place in terms of those topics. It is not a secret that global warming, climate change and pollution are the result of centuries of bad decisions and even now that we are in a critical point for the environmental damage we have made, there are people who do not realize the problem’s magnitude.

    However, the worriest problem is in who that people is. For example, presidents and influencer people around the world carry a bigger social responsibility than the rest of us because they can change the mind of they followers and it has a really important impact .

  8. It's well known that in the earth we have big problems about environment's care especially when this involves the reduction of the production of products or even the fact that we have to sacrifice our taste for some things as(electronics, food, transportation) and "waste" our time by cleaning and taking out the garbage were it should be.
    Although it's true that most of the people didn't pay attention to what was going out with our planet, now are actually starting to get scared by the magnitude of the damage we have reach, because of this and all of the campaign that the youngers and professionals in the field had been doing, people finally are opening theirs eyes and start to make a change.
    Because of this I think that is totally possible for we to solve this environment.

  9. Pollution and damage to the environment

    Pollution is a kind of very tiny dust that is produce by incomplete combustion of fuels like gasoline, diesel and even wood. you can understand it better like the dark smoke fireplace.

    In pollution we have a variety of particles that are tiny than 2.5 micrometers and bigger. These 2.5 particles are the most dangerous of those because it can be very into your lungs and block oxigen`s interchange and that makes you can breath properly, what is a very important problem for kids and older people.

    In many cities, goberments are taking pollution like a serius problem to resolve. Some are making a restriction area, for petrolium based cars,
